Microsoft OneDrive - How to access files Gazelle has shared to you



This article will detail the steps required to access files shared to your organization by Gazelle. 


1. You will receive an email from the Gazelle employee sharing files with you. Make sure to verify the sending domain is

2. Click on the OPEN button at the bottom of the email. It will open to our external collaboration site:

3. You will then be sent to validate your access. Verify that the email address listed is the same which you received the sharing request to (your organization email) and click next

4. Enter your password and click next:

5. Select Yes to remain signed in:


6. You will now have access to the files shared to you by Gazelle:

(BONUS STEP) Sync files to Explorer:

You can click on the SYNC button to setup the folder in your file explorer:

You will now be able to access the files from Explorer:


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