Microsoft OneDrive - Setup SharePoint syncing for MacOS X


Sync SharePoint sites

To sync libraries and folders

  1. Click the Microsoft 365 app launcher The app launcher icon in Office 365, and then click SharePoint.

    The Office 365 app launcher with the SharePoint app highlighted

  2. Click the site that you want to sync.

  3. Click Documents or navigate to the subfolder that you want to sync.

  4. Click Sync.

    Screenshot showing Sync button on a SharePoint library.
  5. If your browser requests permission to use "Microsoft OneDrive," confirm that this is okay.

    Note: Your organization needs to enable SharePoint site syncing with the sync app for you to sync sites on your Mac. If you're the IT admin for your organization, see Enable users to sync SharePoint files with the new OneDrive sync app. If you're not the IT admin, contact your IT department.

  6. Choose the folders that you want to sync, and then click Start sync.

SharePoint team sites sync under a folder with your tenant name. This folder is automatically added to the left navigation pane in Finder.

Manage your syncing sites   

You can manage your syncing sites in the sync app settings.

  1. Click the OneDrive icon in the menu bar.

  2. Click Preferences, and then click the Account tab.

    Screenshot of the Account tab on the OneDrive sync client for the Mac
  3. To change the folders that you're syncing, click Choose Folders for that location, and then choose the folders that you want to sync. To stop syncing a site, click Stop Sync next to the site. (Copies of the files remain on your computer. You can delete them if you want.)

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