When you get a new phone, one of the tricky things can be getting MFA working on it. While we don’t recommend using text messaging for MFA codes as a usual practice because attackers can spoof your SIM card, this is one instance where it comes in handy, particularly if you had to hand in your old phone when you upgraded and no longer have access to it.
1. Log in to https://office.com with your email address and password. At the MFA prompt select "I can't use my authenticator app right now" to proceed:
2. Select Text to receive a onetime code to your mobile device:
3. Input the code you received on your mobile device and click next:
4. Once logged in, click your profile icon at the top right and select VIEW ACCOUNT:
5. In your account profile, click on UPDATE INFO under Security Info:
6. Click on Add sign-in method :
7. Select Microsoft Authenticator and follow the steps to add your new phone:
You can follow the second half of this article to complete the MFA setup: Microsoft 365 - MultiFactor Authentication Setup – Gazelle Integrated Communications
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