If you don't know your credentials, check with your office manager, or contact support - a username and password must be issued to use this application
These instructions are for Android phones, and were generated on a Samsung Note 20. The interface on your phone may be slightly different.
1) Install the application
- Open the Google Play app store, and enter "Bria Counterpath"
- Tap search
- Tap Bria Enterprise if required (the app store may default to this)
- Tap Install
2) Grant the app Phone Permissions - tap Show
Complete the process by tapping Allow
3) Accept the software license after reading by tapping Accept
4) Configure to ignore battery optomizations by tapping Show
This will make the app more reliable. Our system will still attempt to start Bria if you receive a phone call using push notifications however this setting will make the app faster and enable you to answer calls faster.
Complete the process by tapping Allow
5) Configure Call Heads by tapping Show
6) Complete the process by tapping the slider
It should look like this once enabled
7) Configure Microphone Permission by tapping Show
Complete the process by tapping "While using the app"
8) Log into Bria Enterprise
- enter your Username
- enter your Password
- tap LOG IN
9) Decide if you want to help improve the app
Tap Accept or Decline
The Phone Ready should show!
You are finished!
If you skipped any steps, you may have to uninstall and reinstall the app to correct the issue.
You can now make a test call, or dial *43 to conduct a loopback (i.e. hear yourself talk) test.
You can also tap the voicemail button to initialize your voicemail greetings.
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